Cookies, Ugly Sweaters, Family and More!
Though we can’t gather in-person this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Club is planning some special fun for a Virtual Holiday Gathering.
The event will consist of two parts. Hopefully you will participate in both. You can do one event or both.
Part I – Cookie/Candy Exchange
Here are basic details of the Exchange – once you signup you will receive final details. (participants can provide a cookie or candy item, a team will collect and reassemble them so we get a variety, then, trays are delivered to your door).
- Bake 3 dozen (or more) Christmas cookies or 36 pieces of Christmas Candy of your choice.
- Participate in a fun Drop Off-drive thru on Tuesday Dec. 15th at Lisa Janszen’s home at 6529 Sunbury Road North of Maxtown Road on the right (water side) 4:00PM to 6:00PM Or schedule a pickup from your home.
- A COVID-19 compliant team will assemble an assortment of cookies and/or candy on December 16th and deliver to your door by Dec. 17th (in time for Part II).
- Please sign up here for the Exchange by sending Lisa Janszen an email with what you plan to drop off at:
- Please package your candy or cookies in ziplock bags (6 cookies to a bag and Candy in small Zip Lock Bags!
Part II – Club Social via Zoom Thursday Dec. 17th 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Join a fun time together. Bring your spouse and family.
- Sign on to Zoom – bring your cookies, candy and favorite beverage
- Join Zoom Meeting. One-click:
- Join via the app: Meeting ID: 874 304 7403, Passcode: 022056
- Wear your “Ugly Christmas Sweater” for a special contest
- We hope to have a few Christmas Carols
- We will do a Christmas Movie trivia contest
- Toast to the END OF 2020!
- Enjoy fellowship with friends and invite your spouse and family to attend!
Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at