Scott Marier and WARM (the Westerville Area Resource Ministry) have been chosen as Grand Marshals of the Rotary Club of Westerville’s 2022 Independence Day Parade.
WARM, Westerville’s local food pantry and social services agency, this year is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
Marier, served as WARM’s Executive Director for more than 17 years prior to announcing his retirement late last year. He has stayed on to help WARM transition to a new executive director – Stephanie Robinson was named to the post in May – and will leave his current assignment as WARM’s Executive Director Emeritus effective Sept. 30.
The Rotary Club of Westerville is pleased to honor both Scott and WARM for their long and critically important service to the community in this year’s parade!
Parade-goers asked to bring food donations
As has been a tradition for many years at the parade, volunteers will walk with a WARM truck in the procession, collecting items brought to the parade for donation.
Residents who will attend the 10:30 a.m. State Street parade are encouraged to bring along donations for the WARM food pantry. Canned goods, dry foods and check donations (not cash) will be accepted for the WARM pantry.
Read more about the Rotary’s 2022 Independence Day Celebration at Read more about WARM, its mission, and its big 50th anniversary at
The Rotary Club of Westerville
Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at
2022 will mark 60 years since our Rotary Club of Westerville began helping to stage Westerville’s Independence Day! In 1962, we joined with the Jaycees in sponsoring the Citywide Westerville Independence Day Celebration, and in 1968, we took over sole responsibility – with of course huge annual assistance from several divisions and departments of the City of Westerville.
THANK YOU to our generous 2022 Sponsors, without whom we could not stage this event!
PLATINUM sponsors
Nothing Bunt Cakes
The Read Family Trust
United Midwest Savings Bank
GOLD sponsors
SILVER sponsors
BRONZE sponsors
Giant Eagle
Jack Woods Plumbing
JDP Enterprises
Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin
Payne Brown Insurance
Renaissance Columbus Westerville - Polaris Hotel