JOIN US at noon Thursday, Aug. 3, for our first regular weekly lunch meeting at our new location, the 1847 Room at the Otterbein Campus Center. The 1847 Room, named for the year Otterbein University was founded, is located on the second floor of the Campus Center, 100...
PLEASE JOIN US for lunch at the Villa Milano on July 14, as we kick-off the brand new 2022-23 Rotary Year. New and returning President Jim Meacham will let us all in on his plans for the new year. Did you know that Jim is the only member of the Rotary Club of...
PLEASE JOIN US for a celebration of our concluding 2021-22 Rotary year at our normal weekly lunch at noon on Thursday, June 30, at The Medallion Club. ’21-22 President Joe Meyer will lead us through a fun and fast-paced review of the Year that Has Been and hand...
PLEASE JOIN US for a very special evening, Thursday, June 23, as we install the Rev. James Meacham as our 2022-23 President of the Rotary Club of Westerville. 2022-23 Assistant District 6690 Governor Diane Conley will join us to swear in Jim in as our new leader with...
PLEASE JOIN US for a thought-provoking program about an important Central Ohio organization and its work, during our lunch at the Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road. Our speaker will be Lauren Morosky, Manager of Community Programs & Partnerships for ROX (Ruling Our...